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Design Philosophy

"Semi" usually signifies "half", which represents the excellent design principle that Semi Design always follows:


Adhere to a high-quality and stable default foundation (constant), while fully opening up the flexibility of customization when needed (variable).

This is also the design philosophy of Semi Avalonia. The built-in controls of Avalonia UI follow a style-less (lookless) design philosophy, allowing developers to highly customize the appearance of controls based on an understanding of their basic functions. Semi Avalonia is based on this philosophy and has comprehensively redesigned all built-in components of Avalonia UI.

In the design and development process of Semi Avalonia, we:

  1. Thoroughly explore the template and style system of Avalonia UI, distinguishing which design elements are essential for controls and which can be discarded.
  2. Fully understand the significance of Semi Design's Design Token and DSM system for Semi Design.
  3. Consider carefully how to maximize developers' control over the visual style of applications.

A good design system must be "alive"; it needs to grow and update with the business. Therefore, Semi has never tried to constrain users or solidify so-called "uniform standards." Instead, it builds on the default basis, fully modularizes and decouples, and opens up customization capabilities, making it easy for users to tailor and customize, creating front-end assets suitable for different types of products.