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Control Themes and Style Classes

Semi Avalonia has designed default themes for all built-in controls of Avalonia, allowing you to use these default themes without any special settings.

In addition, Semi Avalonia has also designed special themes (ControlTheme) and style classes (Classes) for some controls. These designs maintain the original functionality of the controls while providing a completely new appearance.

Here are two simple examples to show how to change the style of a control by setting its theme and style classes.

Control Theme Example: Progress Ring

Avalonia by default provides a progress bar, but not a progress ring. With Semi Avalonia, you can change the style of the progress bar to a progress ring as follows:

Theme="{DynamicResource ProgressRing}"/>

Style Class Example: Warning Color Button

By setting the style class of a Button, you can change the default button's foreground color to the warning orange:

<Button Classes="Warning">Warning</Button>

For detailed control themes and style classes, please refer to section Special Styles of the documentation.